Monday, July 21, 2008

Day 21 - First leg of the east coast tour of PEI

Day 20 – East coast tour of the island.
After a night of rain we decided to take it slow this morning and update our blog.
Around 1 pm the weather still could not decided what to do so we took a chance and started the first half of our sightseeing tour of the eastern part of the island.

Our first stop was at the old town of Orwell Corner. This is a Provincial Historic park with old buildings in a country like setting, similar to Heritage Park only these buildings in this small village were not restored just preserved. They kept a lovely garden around the general store and had a rope making demonstration in the barn. I found some cats and lovely little kitten I could pet so I had my cat fix for a while again.

It started to rain at this time but we decided to go on and make the best of it. As the day went on the weather started to get better and by late afternoon the sun started to come out again. This, of course, gave beautiful late afternoon light for photos so it was stop, take a picture, and drive on again.

We got back to our trailer around 9 pm, had a bite to eat and then Leo tried to download his pictures. But he had some problems so we went to bed instead to get a well deserved sleep. The difficulties with the pictures were solved next morning and you will find the results for day 21 here.

1 comment:

  1. je hart ging open bij het zien van die kleine katjes.maar je moet niet zo lelijk kijken als je naar boven moet klimmen hoor!!! Mooie foto's weer, ik heb er weer een paar van opgeslagen. Tot kijk weer.groetjes,Jeanne
