Thursday, August 28, 2008

Day 56 - Saturday August 23, 2008 – Cabot Trail, Nova Scotia

Again we woke up to sunshine today just a beautiful day to do this most talked about Cabot Trail (

Leo wanted to videotape the trip over the Cabot trail using his camera mounted to the van roof so he chose to drive it going from east to west and we therefore started off to the northeast in St. Anns. The beginning of the trail did not excite us very much but once we travelled to the northern tip and then cruised back down the Western part of the trail we became most impressed again. We got to see lots of nice scenery, and had a bacon and egg all-day breakfast for lunch on a patio in the shade at a very nice restaurant located in Meat Cove along a creek where the water gave us nice background music. Meat Cove is on a side trip and is the most northern community in Nova Scotia.

From here we had to go back south and take the western part of the trail. We decided not to take the boat tour to see whales as Leo again found the water too choppy to go out in a small boat (do you know what the word “chicken” means?), but we were lucky enough to see a pod of perhaps a dozen humpback whales spouting just offshore at Meat Cove. We were also able to see our favourite province Newfoundland in the distance from this point with the Long Mountains clearly discernable on this sunny day.

For me the best part of the trip occurred when a black bear decided to walk across the road just in front of our car. Unfortunately Leo could not stop quickly enough to take a picture of him before he disappeared in the woods again but we do hopefully have the road crossing on Leo’s video camera.

Pictures of the Cabot Trail can be found here.

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