Monday, September 1, 2008

Day 60 - Wednesday, August 27, 2008 – Halifax, Nova Scotia

I am sure no one will be surprised to hear that we had rain again during the night and into the morning. We decided to spend our day indoors as it was raining a bit too much for walking outside. First we went to the Maritime Museum of the Atlantic ( ) where we spent most of the afternoon looking at model ships from days-gone-by and the more modern ships. They also had a few life size boats and ships out on the wharf for visitors to view. They had a special display on the siege of Louisbourg in 1758, but by now dear Else had had enough of this subject!
Next we moseyed up the hill to the Halifax Citadel ( ), also a National Historic Site. We did not have a lot of time here as they close at 6 pm and it was already 5 pm when we entered the site. But the short time we were there we sure enjoyed.
After the Citadel we did some driving around the harbour of Halifax, including through Africville (, or the vestiges of what it had been. This was a community of black people who occupied this separate area of Halifax, but who were almost forcibly removed in the 1960s in what many still see as a racially-motivated decision. We even got to see a working CN train here pulling intermodal containers out of the port, but there were not very many ships to be seen unfortunately, aside from those of the Canadian Navy’s eastern installation. We also passed the Pier 21 museum which commemorates the arrival in Canada of hundreds of thousands of immigrants who came from Europe by boat. It was of course closed by then, but we hope to view it on another trip as we do not anticipate staying in Halifax any longer.

Once it started to get dark we went back to our trailer to get some sleep as we were packing up again the next morning to go on to Lunenburg.

Some of the pictures Leo was able to take for today can be found here.


  1. Zo, gelukkig weer iets van jullie te zien en te horen.was dit een dag voor jou ook, Else? Sorry leo, je foto's zijn prima (deze dan wel te verstaan!) maar ze doen mij niets.....
    en nog maar steeds hopen op beter weer, wie weet wat er nog in het vat zit. Gelukkig reizen jullie ver genoeg verwijderd van de orkaan die zijn of haar verwoestend werk aan het doen is!
    veel groetjes,Jeanne

  2. Het is goed dat jullie nu het weer regende, de kans kregen om naar het museum te gaan.En dat daar boten te bekijken vielen. Jullie en ik denk zeker Leo hebben jullie hart kunnen ophalen. En wij kunnen weer nieuwe foto's bewonderen! Morgen weer goede reis! groetjes Kees
